Hawke's Bay Independent Book Consultants

Below are the Independent Book Consultants listed within the Hawke's Bay Region.

Deirdre Hambleton – Peak Indexing Ltd


  • back-of-the-book subject indexes
  • indexes for annual reports and corporate documents
  • subject indexing for journals and magazines

Why have an index?

Indexes guide your reader to those parts of the text that they most need to see.

It's more than just an alphabetical list of all the key terms in the text - a good index relates sub-topics to main topics, includes synonyms and terms a reader may search on, and only shows the main discussions of a topic - not every mention.

A qualified librarian with 20 years experience in NZ, Australia and the UK, I can produce a clear and organised index for your soon-to-be-published book or report.

Contact details: Ph: 027 6033 325, Email: deirdrejh@hotmail.com Web: www.peakindexing.co.nz

We are always looking for more people to add to this directory so if you are competent, professional, able to provide a service and would like to be listed on this page please contact us.